miércoles, diciembre 23, 2009

Mensaje encontrado debajo de la puerta

Desperté temprano. Había tenido un sueño muy raro y trataba de pensar en otra cosa cuando reparé en una hoja escrita a mano , tendida en el piso, dejada por alguna mano en esas horas donde aprieta más el frío.

"...I already miss you
And long the day I´ll see you again, so that I can delight in your velvet-moisted lips...

I treasure dearly the pictures I took last night...
they glide in and out everytime I close my eyes.

Kiss me until kingdom come,
Caress me again,
I shall embrace the truth we both know,
Though it was meant,
it was never done.

I still scent your skin.
Still evoke your flawless face.
Still sense your arms holding me tight.

I only wish to be blessed with your presence again.
And entrust to you my deepest faithfulness
to bury the dismay we suffered for a long decade.

I love you...."

Smell something burning?

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